Friday, April 29, 2011

Be Inspired || April 27, 2011 Tornadoes

Most of you have seen the movie "Twister." We all know that tornadoes are a destructive force and that it's probably pretty scary to be in one. Two days ago, the southeast region of the United States was struck by 164 tornadoes in a matter of 24 hours. I live in the southeast corner of Tennessee and the destruction is surreal to experience. Thank God our family is safe and those close to us are too, but so many lost their lives and their homes. This "Be Inspired" blog for this week is about giving back and rallying around the communities that were destroyed.

I had the privilege of helping with the Salvation Army in my town yesterday. The day after the storms was a solemn one at best. Everyone is in shock and we go about our days to the tune of sirens and helicopters circling the city trying to help. We took boxes of sack lunches and water bottles to some of the hardest hit areas. Having only seen tornado damage on TV before this, it was an emotional experience. Mud holes and debris stood where majestic houses and farms once were. People walking around trying to find an ounce of memory from their demolished homes. Photos, documents, dolls and shoes scattered the fields where the EF2 tornado ripped through just 12 hours before.

If you are in the southeast region and are able to help, PLEASE let these photos inspire you to contact your local church, Red Cross or Salvation Army and jump in the action to help others who lost so much. 
All areas in the path of destruction are in need of bottled water, non-perishable food, clothing, blankets, tarps, vehicles, housing, funds, prayers and just someone to care about them. 

To those of you who have been praying for us in the South, thank you. From the bottoms of our hearts, it means more than you can imagine to just know that someone out there cares about us. The majority of the south has been declared to be in a state of emergency. Numerous people are still missing in the aftermath. Over 200 have lost their lives and that number is steadily climbing. Please keep us in your prayers and help out as you can.

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