Monday, August 8, 2011

Meet: Torri || Hyatt Regency Resort and Spa || Scottsdale, Arizona Portrait Photographer

The tattoo on her foot describes it all... "He leads me." Torri is the second oldest girl, next to me out of the group of 9 cousins in our family. Every time we get together and the laughter just seems to pick up where is left off the last time we saw each other. Though four years younger than me, Torri has been an inspiration throughout the years. Her faith and determination are amazing things to be around, as she seems to exude joy whenever you're around her. We always say that we're each others "favorite cousin," it started out as a joke, but it's become a reality as we've grown into adults. We're not only cousins, but sisters and friends.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Session Giveaway || Lindsi Rian Photography

Last night we hit the 200 mark on our facebook fan page. In honor of that, I have decided to give away a free session!


How to enter: Tweet, facebook, blog, whatever form of social media you use, 
go tell people about our giveaway!
Lindsi Rian Photography must be tagged in all messages.
 Your message must say something like this:

Twitter: "Want to experience a professional photoshoot? Go check out the latest giveaway from @LindsiRianPhoto!"

Facebook: "Summer lovin' has started at @Lindsi Rian Photography! 
Go check out the latest giveaway, a free session!"

*Leave a comment here on the blog for every individual message you leave (IE: Twitter = 1, facebook = 1, etc.)
The contest will run till midnight June 30th and a winner will be announced July 1st!

PS- There will also be a secret prize for the winner which will be given at the session!

Winning person must be in Arizona or Tennessee and/or be willing to travel to either 
destination for their shoot. Giveaway only includes a free session. Any and all products must be purchased through Lindsi Rian Photography.

Good luck and happy Tuesday!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pursuit 31 Nashville Workshop || Nashville Wedding Photographer

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-Marianne Williamson
"Pursuit 31 was designed for women who desire to run a successful photography business without having it take over your life.  This retreat will give you support and encouragement, as well as tangible steps and business secrets to easily take you and your business to the next level." - Karen Stott

I was truly inspired to do more not only in my business, but also in my marriage. Life is a delicate thing to balance and I know that attending this retreat bettered my knowledge of how to do just that. If you want to learn more about Pursuit 31 and how you can attend one of their many workshops around the states, please visit:


On the second day of the workshop, we had the amazing privilege of shooting at the Historic Cedarwood Mansion. Built in 1835, this 50 acre piece of heaven is a photographers dream. There is no lack of charm when touring the house or even the barn out back. 

 Our models came all the way from Birmingham, Alabama to be a part of our shoot. We had so much fun with them! Super laid back and easy to work with, Dustin and Katie are an amazing couple who are all about helping others. With background in nursing and nutrition, these two make a dynamic duo that are planning on getting married in the near future!

Cupcakes provided by Cupcake Divas in Cleveland, TN


The details were amazing. From a vintage typewriter to a tandem old school bicycle, there was plenty of eye candy to feast on!

A special thanks to all of our incredible vendors that made this shoot possible!

Cupcake Divas
60 25th St NW Ste. 2
Cleveland, TN 37311

Boutique Couture
Emily Goodin - Owner
1269 Market St.
Chattanooga, TN 37402

Matchless Limo ~ Vintage Jaguar

Venue:  Historic Cedarwood
Floral, Décor, Design and Styling:  Cedarwood Weddings   (same website as above)

Cedarwood Weddings
3831 Whites Creek Pike
Nashville, Tennessee  37207

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day || A tribute to Nathan Bouchard

Memorial Day will be upon us in a matter of hours. When you hear "memorial Day" you probably think of a three day weekend, time at the beach or lake, a bbq with friends and family or the beginning of summer.

I think of a fallen friend. A brave soldier who believed in what he was doing in Iraq. He believed in making a difference and bringing hope to the people he encountered there. I want to share with you a story about him. Please remember our soldiers, both fallen, active duty and veterans this Memorial Day. Thank those who you see in uniform. They risk their lives so you can live yours.

Army Sgt. Nathan Bouchard, 24, Wildomar; Killed by Bomb in Iraq

August 28, 2005|Daniel Hernandez | Times Staff Writer
"I am a soldier in the United States Army, 21 years old, and [now in Iraq]," begins a letter to the editor published in the Riverside Press-Enterprise in April 2003, signed by a serviceman named Nathan Bouchard.
"You ask, 'Why, why are we in the Middle East? Why don't we leave Saddam alone? Why do we even get involved?'.... It is because somebody has to.... Because, as you know, problems do not go away just by closing your eyes or turning your back or burying your head in the sand.
"This freedom we have was not free."
Bouchard, 24, died in Samarra, Iraq, on Aug. 18 when a roadside bomb exploded near his Humvee.
Raised in Wildomar, in Riverside County, Bouchard was on a second and extended tour of duty in Iraq. He enlisted in the Army in May 2002, spurred by patriotic sentiments after the 2001 terrorist attacks, his parents said. "Nathan believed in what he was doing. He wrote, and he told us about the good things that they were doing in Iraq," said Alida Bouchard, his mother, from the family's new home in Cottonwood, Ariz.
Bouchard's father, John, a longtime Navy serviceman, said his son spoke to them vividly about escorting his commanding officer into Iraqi towns and villages, about talking to community leaders and fulfilling their requests for sanitation pickups and new schools. "He enjoyed kids especially," John Bouchard said. "And he enjoyed being over there in the land that was of the Bible -- Samarra -- seeing it firsthand."
Nathan Bouchard was born in 1981 in Dallas. He graduated from Lake Elsinore High School in 1999 and was a starting defensive lineman in his senior year.
He surfed, hiked and went mountain biking. Often, Bouchard hiked "in slippers," which were more comfortable for him, said his father, chuckling.
Bouchard, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division in Ft. Stewart, Ga., also was a devout Christian. He was an active member of The Fold, a Christian youth group in Wildomar. He attended Cornerstone Community Church with his family.
Bouchard last saw his parents and siblings in May, when he visited Cottonwood before returning to Iraq. His younger brother, Sean, 21, also is in the Army and was home when the family received news of Nathan's death.
A funeral service is scheduled for Saturday at Cornerstone Community Church in Wildomar. The Bouchards said they have received messages of support and condolences from as far away as South Africa, many prompted by their son's letter to the editor.
They said they would always remember Nathan as a positive-thinking, energetic man who did anything he could for friends and family when he saw them unhappy. Bouchard's faith, his parents said, continues to give them strength.
"Nathan was a Christian first and a soldier second," John Bouchard said. "That's our reassurance -- our peace that we have -- that he was where God wanted him to be."

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Meet: Jim & Julia || Cleveland, TN Couples Photographer

I met Jim & Julia for the first time at an event that was being held at our college. They actually won a session with me and  came up to talk when the event was over. As soon as I met them, I knew they'd be a fun couple to work with! I was not wrong!! I had so much fun getting to know these two today. They are ambitious people who, I know, will inspire many throughout their lives.

Jim & Julia- I can only hope that I get to work with you guys again in the future. You are amazing people and I'm so happy I got to spend a couple hours with you!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Be Inspired || April 27, 2011 Tornadoes

Most of you have seen the movie "Twister." We all know that tornadoes are a destructive force and that it's probably pretty scary to be in one. Two days ago, the southeast region of the United States was struck by 164 tornadoes in a matter of 24 hours. I live in the southeast corner of Tennessee and the destruction is surreal to experience. Thank God our family is safe and those close to us are too, but so many lost their lives and their homes. This "Be Inspired" blog for this week is about giving back and rallying around the communities that were destroyed.

I had the privilege of helping with the Salvation Army in my town yesterday. The day after the storms was a solemn one at best. Everyone is in shock and we go about our days to the tune of sirens and helicopters circling the city trying to help. We took boxes of sack lunches and water bottles to some of the hardest hit areas. Having only seen tornado damage on TV before this, it was an emotional experience. Mud holes and debris stood where majestic houses and farms once were. People walking around trying to find an ounce of memory from their demolished homes. Photos, documents, dolls and shoes scattered the fields where the EF2 tornado ripped through just 12 hours before.

If you are in the southeast region and are able to help, PLEASE let these photos inspire you to contact your local church, Red Cross or Salvation Army and jump in the action to help others who lost so much. 
All areas in the path of destruction are in need of bottled water, non-perishable food, clothing, blankets, tarps, vehicles, housing, funds, prayers and just someone to care about them. 

To those of you who have been praying for us in the South, thank you. From the bottoms of our hearts, it means more than you can imagine to just know that someone out there cares about us. The majority of the south has been declared to be in a state of emergency. Numerous people are still missing in the aftermath. Over 200 have lost their lives and that number is steadily climbing. Please keep us in your prayers and help out as you can.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Get Inspired || Featuring Jason of Redemption Shirts

There are so many people and things around the world that inspire me. As I found out the other day, when talking over coffee with a fellow photographer, we don't all follow or even know of the same people who are truly inspirational! SO... in light of that, I am starting a "Get Inspired" blog that will happen every Friday. It's a great way to start off your weekend and maybe get some inspiration to do something different during the weekend!

For the very first Get Inspired blog, I would like to introduce you to Jason. The beauty, brains and bronze behind Redemption Shirts. Currently based out of Chattanooga, TN, Redemption's heart is to give back to not only the local community, but also internationally.

Jason, Thank you so much for your heart and willingness to help inspire others through this blog! It's been great working with you!

This is Jason.
This is Redemption Shirts.
(Click logo to visit their website)

What are 3 things we should know about you?

(1) My heart is to empower and enable other people and organizations to give of their self and resources for the betterment of those people and communities in need; whether it be through community service, day-to-day relationships, or conceptually and developmentally building organizations and projects for meaningful purposes.
(2) I love my family, friends, and Lord - Jesus Christ. Their grace along this journey in life gives me peace, hope and fullness of joy. Their guidance and discipline continue to humble me and give me the strength I need to face all the difficulties that stand in the way of me submitting to and fulfilling my dreams and calling.
(3) I am an extremely strong-willed person. I am very passionate about life, excellence, Christian beliefs, and living what I believe. I am also somewhat bald!

Define your style in 5 words.

(a) Personal Style: Relaxed. Independent. Hopeful. Youthful. Trendy.
(b) Style of Redemption Shirts: Quality. Competitive. Progressive. Comfortable. Stylish.

What inspired you to create Redemption?

It was a result of living in a college culture where people and organizations needed t-shirts printed and most people were unhappy with the product and price from the local screen printers. So, my response was, “Why don’t we start a screen printing company?” Through trial and error over the course of a few years, a bunch of cash spent, and a couple hundred clients later we came to see this business as a great opportunity for profit and purpose.

Divulge one of your dreams for your business.

I dream of connecting a network of passionate people and organizations all seeking restorative works in the world. I desire to use the “Redemption Brand” and my business connections, knowledge, and spiritual insight to empower, enable, and disciple (counsel/consult) others in this process of impacting people, nations, and tribes for the common good and to/for the Name and Glory of Jesus Christ.

What do you love most about being in this business?

I love three things equally…haha. (1) The independence I have in this business to pursue my own dreams, at my own pace, when and how I want to pursue them.  The challenge and growth that comes from that independence is a great reward as well. (2) The people I come across from all these organizations, big and small, truly inspire, teach and humble me. (3) The dream and hope of building something that is impacting organizations and people’s lives for good.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself with an office in Chattanooga, Atlanta, and Nashville for the couple companies I will hopefully have fully running by then. I would like a few employees to be at each location developing the custom screen printing side of Redemption Shirts as well as the “Redemption Brand” that I am in the process of developing to the public. Redemption Shirts should be partnered with a few organizations meeting the needs of thousands of hurting people around the world by then. There is also a collaborative artistic monthly project and organization I am wanting to have up and running within 5 years. I would also like to be doing some entrepreneurial and missional non-profit start-up consulting by then.

If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be & why?

I would have to say, John Piper. His books and sermons have deeply brought to my heart and life the revelation of the Gospel of the person of Jesus Christ.  

What advice do you have for new creative artists?

Find as many magazines, websites, and artists that inspire and challenge your creative mind and abilities. Build a very deep foundation. Very few people make good money or build a profitable business off being average. Find a niche, hone your specific skill, and seek to be an expert in your field. Study the different forms of art and what you find makes you come alive, and learn from others smarter than yourself…. every single day!