Monday, December 6, 2010

Self Portrait

A self portrait is something that I believe every person should have done at some point in their life. It captures who you really are and allows others to experience that with you. This is the idea behind what Go{4}Pro is doing with this contest. It is an amazing thing when you see your self portrait photos and all of a sudden a million memories come flooding back. The look in your eye reminds you of a time when life was simple. The small smile you give tells a story of mystery and excitement. This is my story and a little of how I got into photography. Hope you enjoy it!

Self Portrait photo by a great friend and fellow photographer Kristine Neeley

It's 4th of July weekend 2008 and the entire city of Chicago is getting ready for the big fireworks show. The sun slowly goes down as the anticipation rises in the crowds. Friends and family surround us and we couldn't be happier, because two days later, we were getting married. Our journey together was just beginning and being young and passionate, we were ready to take on the world.

Going back a few years, my love for photography started my junior year of high school in a beginners photography course. We had our own darkroom and rolled our film in the black bags. Our teacher always knew when we cheated and bought film then developed it because it gave off a yellow tint on the pictures. This was before digital was a big deal. When I got my first point and shoot digital camera, I went crazy and became what I like to call a "photoholic." That's right...they need a meeting place for people like me. To this day I have boxes full of photos that I took, no matter how random, I keep them because they gave me my start.

Between then and now, it's all history.

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